
Warmachine and the Wedding

Warmachine (and Hordes!)

We had an awesome tourney this weekend, thanks to Game Theory and one PG_bjorkgnu. One of the local guys dressed up as "very epic Sorsha". Dude can walk in heels! He won (deservedly so) the $25 gift Game Theory gift card for best costume.

Standings wise, I failed as usual, losing all of my games. 2 of my 3 opponents won mini-achievements, though, so I guess I'm lucky for them. On a similar note, my first opponent won the tourney, my second opponent came in second (he had one scenario point, everyone else had none), and my third opponent came in just ahead of me. They were good, fun games all, though, and that's the important part.

Also, on the hobby side of things, I have a laundry list of models I need to mod/assemble/paint. I'm almost done with the first item on the list, Epic Thagrosh. Some small detail work, my typical protective coating, and a quick gloss on the snow base, and he'll be complete. Then I can start modding my Bane Knights. I love what those boys can do, but HATE assembling them. *grumblegrumble*

Last, (but not least by any means!) I have to finish up some terrain for MACE, where the Gunbunnies will be making an appearance in full force. I will be doing 12 hours of demos on Saturday, and attending the fun on both Friday and Saturday. Durok (aka the fiancĂ©) and I also need to book our hotel room.

So, now the wedding is just under 7 months out (209 days, but who's counting?). I still have a laundry list of things to do and pay for. The invitations have been chosen, but we need to finalize wording and order them. Our newsletter for family and the bridal party is nearly complete (I need to find our slip of paper for the tux rental goup code, then it can get printed and go out). I'm debating whether or not to send out save the date cards at this point as the invites are going out in February since hotels have to be reserved by the end of March. I also need to set up my first dress fitting appointment, as I have received my dress and shoes. They're both perfect! The shoes are adorable in light blue!

I'm making progress on the cake topper. The cake topper, itself, is going to be two hand-sculpted models, inspired by World of Warcraft (through which we met): Durok's Tauren Druid in Moonkin form proposing to my Undead Warlock in a black dress. I have the moonkin almost ready to be baked, and I want to measure him to be sure he is the appropriate size first. The ringbox is ready for the oven, but I haven't started on the 'lock. I figure I'll get the proportions correct on the moonkin, then sculpt the 'lock at the appropriate height/size based on his measurements.

With an luck, all these laundry list items will be complete in a fairly timely way. I hope.


  1. Now that's a cake topper! You might be able to get your hands on some Wow mini's and modify a couple of them. The figures should be good and cheap since that game went defunct. Best of luck with the wedding.

  2. Thanks!

    I've discovered that, at least locally, the WoW minis are hard to find. And, IIRC, they're a little small for cake toppers. I'm looking at 3-4" for the Moonkin. That way, they don't look all tiny on a three-tier cake.
