
Early New Year Preparations

So I'm preparing for my 2010 calendar already...picking out my binder, insert options, and, most importantly, adding in important dates and contact information to my address section.

Also, I'm working on planning for my potentially having an academic overload from the second week of December until I graduate...which could potentially push my graduation to February 2010 instead of May 2010. Sure, it would cost a little more for those months but I think it'll be worth it...then Greg can relax, get a part time job, and go to school full time online.


Officially Pissy with Keyboard & Mouse

So, my Logitech Cordless Desktop LX710's mouse shat the bed. It thinks the x-axis is the y-axis and the y-axis is the scroll wheel and the scroll wheel does nothing. No big deal. I just need a new wireless setup....or a wireless mouse. They're cheap enough. Right?

Yeah. They're cheap enough, but here's the catch: I use a KVM switch. Which means I need a scroll lock key in order to switch PCs. Don't know what a KVM switch does? Here's the rundown: I have 2 computers that share 1 monitor, 1 keyboard, and 1 mouse, and the KVM switch switches me between computers. In order to switch, I press the scroll lock key 2x. OK, it shouldn't be hard to find a scroll lock key, right?

WRONG! It turns out that on the only 2 keyboards I could choose from at Wal-Mart did not have scroll lock keys. Too bad I bought one, took it out of the package and continue to use it. I found that Logitech has actually discontinued the scroll lock key on 5 of its keyboards. Including the one I picked up at Wal-Mart.

So, I'm using the keyboard from my LX710 setup (which has KVM functionality) and the mouse from the LX310 setup. It's essentially the same mouse with different colors.

Now, since I'm using the LX310's wireless receiver, my keyboard is not showing up as the LX710 which has more functionality than the 310.

I'm ready to throw it all out the office window and shout from my 3rd story apartment how frustrating this is.


And let the crafting begin!

Been doing a lot of crafting lately. In the last 2 weeks, I have made:
  • A set of 5 sea critter stitch markers
  • A model of my WoW main toon
  • A handful of cute little charm earrings.

I have started:
  • Looking for the yarn and such for a Dr. Who Scarf
  • A really pretty blue shawl (it may unfortunately be smaller than planned, unless I can find bigger needles)

I have continued work on:
  • A Horde insignia baby Blanket. Lok'tar!

And I believe that is it...

PS: My Bday is in 2 days!