
First Real Bento

Not super cute inside or anything, but it's pretty. And delicious. And filling. I made steamed chicken wontons (I think I should have three or four per bento, instead of just two. Two is under-satisfying) last night, as well as onigiri. I have yet to make a cute onigiri. Though, I did make some in a cool shape, aided by a measuring cup.

I attempted to pad out using bibb lettuce. But I don't think it looks all that great.

I also need to make smaller onigiri so that I can fit two instead of one giant one in the boxes. I brought a second bento today so that I have something to eat at Warmachine/Hordes open play tonight that isn't super-ultra-fatty and calorie-dense.



In addition to everything else I've been up to, I decided to start doing Bento Boxes for lunch. I save about $6/day doing it, and they're delicious and healthy (and normally pretty, unlike today's).

In other news, I've been up to the following:
  • I'm officially a PressGanger for Privateer Press (YAY)
  • I've started losing weight (down 13lbs from February, not much loss but it's decent) using mostly diet and exercise, added Alli to see if it'll work
  • I'm painting Epic Thagrosh for one of the regulars at GameTheory. He's getting prettier and prettier.
  • I bought my wedding dress, and now I'm just waiting till my shoes come in to have it shipped here