
Thank You, Lady Gaga

First, a warning. I'm departing a lot from my usual gaming and related posts. Instead, today, I want to talk about something very personal. You know how the media's been all abuzz about Lady Gaga's recent weight gain? You know how she responded with a new section of her social media site that included photos of herself and the confession "Bulimia and Anorexia Since I Was 15"? Yeah, we're talking about body image issues and what that entails. You've been warned.


I went to LARP and I liked it...

I went to the South Carolina SOLAR event this past weekend. I had a ton of fun and I learned more than I expected. Not only did I learn about the game, rules, etc., but I also learned things about myself.

1. I learned that I have an easier time getting into character in a LARP situation than tabletop.

I am hoping that I can take that experience and re-apply it to the tabletop. Also, I had little trouble sleeping in-character...which was surprising for me. Is this typical for folks, or am I crazy? (Apparently, as I started drifting into sleep Sunday and Monday nights, I was simultaneously in and out of character, too...started talking in my sleep asking, as my character, if I did something wrong.)

2. I learned that stupid hurts.

I watched way too much conflict and near-deaths resulting from cases of the dumb.