So, I've taken a vow to "lrn 2 play, n00b". My goal? Grandmasters in StarCraft II. I've got a plan to take me from nooblet to Platinum by the end of the year.
I've worked SC2 into my schedule. I'll be playing 2-4 matches/night on weeknights, 10+ matches during the weekend. Also, I will be playing first against AI and my Gold league husband, Durok. Why? Well, I figure that learning against an opponent that won't harass me for being a noob will be good for me, that competing against AI will be more forgiving at first (especially when it comes to an opening build order screw-up), and that, if I can regularly defeat the AI on its hardest setting (or that magical day when I can win against Durok), I should be able to at least have a chance against other human opponents. Though, I am going to play in some practice league games, too.
My first task in this endeavor is to use hotkeys better. I switched my key bindings to the Grid system, which is helping a little bit, but not much. The Grid hotkey layout uses the same keys for all structure/unit commands, where the top row of commands matches with keys Q-T on the keyboard, the last row with keys Z-B. Fantastic, right? Well, yes, for the units/structures I'm not set in my ways with. For things like my Command Center, where I expect E to be the MULE, and S to be SCVs, not so much. But, I'll get used to it. Also, I'm looking at getting a new keyboard/mouse when I build my new system this winter. I know mechanical is supposed to be the way to go, but I find myself considering the investment in the SC2 gear from Razer. It's too far out for me to make a decision just yet, though.
Alongside my hotkey training, I'm also watching all of my replays with a checklist, courtesy of SCReddit. I've got mine set up as a Google web form, so I watch my replay in one window, and answer questions in the other. And I've analyzed my first three games against Durok with it. The results are not so pretty.
I've assigned each item in the checklist a one-point value, and, discounting the Zerg-only question (I play Terran), the maximum value for each Scouting, Macro, and Other, is 9, 13, and 6 respectively, giving a possible score of 28. Overall, I'm constantly getting 11-12/28 points, which isn't exactly good (okay, it's far from good), but at least I know where I'm starting at.
Scouting-wise, I'm improving each game, but I'm consistently failing to test my opponent's front, check for proxy starports/gates, continue scouting throughout the match, and keep an eye on the minimap. These are all things I need to do consistently, but my first focus is going to be checking the minimap and scouting throughout the match. These two mesh well together, and should help me know how to succeed both offensively and defensively against my opponent on a micro level.
I'm fairly consistent when it comes to macro. Though, if I focus on scouting or other stuff, my score does see a drop. Multitasking. I must learn it.
In the "other stuff" category, I am consistently remembering to hotkey my units and structures amd set rally points to good places (Bunker/supply depot wall backed by Thors until I launch an offensive? Hells yes.). I'm improving in the sim-city aspect of base building, but I've still got a long way to go. I mean, if I push for Battlecruisers, should I be putting the Reactor as far from my entry point as possible? Probably, but what if I know my opponent is pushing flying units, and will likely attack from that point? Where is an optimal place for my factories so that my Thors/Siege Tanks don't have to travel too far to get to the ramp, but far enough away from my ramp/entry point so that I don't have to rebuild it if my opponent makes his way into my base? I'm reading up on build orders and sim-city layouts. Hopefully, there will be improvement.
I'll be playing more games tonight, and I'll be posting up results and such on Wednesday if possible. Also
Till then, this is "Lankira", signing off.
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