So, I've taken a vow to "lrn 2 play, n00b". My goal? Grandmasters in StarCraft II. I've got a plan to take me from nooblet to Platinum by the end of the year.
I've worked SC2 into my schedule. I'll be playing 2-4 matches/night on weeknights, 10+ matches during the weekend. Also, I will be playing first against AI and my Gold league husband, Durok. Why? Well, I figure that learning against an opponent that won't harass me for being a noob will be good for me, that competing against AI will be more forgiving at first (especially when it comes to an opening build order screw-up), and that, if I can regularly defeat the AI on its hardest setting (or that magical day when I can win against Durok), I should be able to at least have a chance against other human opponents. Though, I am going to play in some practice league games, too.