While puppy Jade (see picture here) is chewing on a water bottle (quite happily mind you), I am staring at a messy desk and a pile of plastic shopping bags. I've figured out what to do with the bags: plastic yarn to make...a plastic bag. I know, it sounds insane, but...
Anyways, as to what to do about the messy desk, I'm still deciding. I've got half finished felting projects, minis that I need to paint for a wargame, knitted swatches (I need to figure out what to do with all those things), yarn, prints, and a plethora of jewelry making supplies on hand. I've got to finish the patchwork felted bag I've been working on sometime and get it on etsy...I need to open that etsy shop soon. Maybe I'll see if I can get a lighting tent from work and get pictures of all of my finished works...
I've been trying to figure out how to make an owl for Danielle. I'm doing it in a semi-pearl blue polymer clay as the centerpiece for a necklace...kinda somewhere between a cabochon and pendant. I just can't get the face quite right...